Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Breaking News

According to CNN, the Earth is still not flat.

Commission reports "no credible evidence" that al Qaeda and Iraq cooperated in 9/11 attacks on United States. Details soon.

This is maddening for many reasons, but let's turn it around. Suppose the Bush administration really did believe that Iraq had been involved with 9/11. Then, frankly, I'd be calling for his impeachment for not declaring war against Iraq on 9/12.

Nobody serious except Mylroie believes that there was any Iraqi involvement. Has the brains of our press been so beaten into oblivion that they really think this is "breaking news?"

...okay, the actual commission report on the other hand is actually breaking news, because it doesn't just shoot down the "iraq-9/11 connection," but the more general "iraq-al qaeda connection" which Bigtime Dick can't stop yammering about.

CNN's headline writers just can't tell the difference between the two.