Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Convention Coverage

Steve G. is unhappy with blogger coverage. I'm not quite sure what he expects, though I never had any particular expectations. After spending hours just trying to find out where to go, get credentials, get through security, and getting the convention wifi working, most of us were just happy to spend some time getting a feel for the actual convention. I'm not really there as a journalist, I'm there as an activist/political junkie like many others. My Personal Convention Diary probably isn't all that interesting, but on the other hand the Event Inside is nothing like the Event On TV, so trying to give a wee bit of that flavor seems appropriate.

But, anyway, since drudge is excited that Michael Moore sat in a "presidential box," I'll report that story as far as I know it. The skyboxes are only accessable through a fairly well-guarded separate escalator. The corridor outside the skybox was more mobbed and more chaotic than just about anywhere else in the convention - unsurprisingly everyone's trying to scam their way into there, and it was a bit full. From what I understand, Moore's gang was wondering around trying to find a skybox they were supposed to go to and someone in the Carter box pulled them in. So, this was not a case of "Jimmy Carter invites Moore to his box." I don't think Carter knew he was there until he arrived about an hour or more after he gave his speech.

But, Moore was more than a little thrilled to meet Carter, and the reverse appeared to be true as well. One of Moore's security people teared up a bit during Carter's speech.