Monday, September 13, 2004

I Didn't Do It

Increasingly, Bush and his adminstration are reminding me of Bart Simpson. Specifically, the episode in which Bart knocks over Krusty's set on live TV, instinctively says "I didn't do it," and for a brief time becomes a new star with a wacky hilarious catchphrase - which is funny until, well, it suddenly stops being funny.

The blame Clinton stuff was cute a few years ago, and oh we had a good laugh many times about the unholy powers of the Clenis even when it was out of office.

But, as with every wacky sitcom character catch phrase - it gets old. "I didn't do it," the mantra of the personal accountability administration, just isn't funny anymore.

...Tim Dunlop thinks Arnie is the "I didn't do it" boy.