Friday, October 15, 2004

Fox and Friends Fun

This morning, F&F's E.D. Hill said:

Hill: You know what? That's like if you talk to an alcoholic's family and you say, boy, that kid of yours sure is a wino, but you know, you're really dealing with it well and I'm sure that he has no choice about being a wino. I mean really that's what it is. I'm sorry. Senator Kerry, there's nothing you can say here. It is what it is.

And, that's why our media thinks this is a big deal, and why Lynne Cheney thinks it's a big deal, because they think that pointing out that someone is a "lesbian" is the same as pointing out that they're a "wino."

There are plenty of closeted people in the media, and plenty of "mostly closeted" people who just aren't going to touch the issue, but it must be nice knowing what their colleagues in the "liberal media" think of them.