Saturday, October 16, 2004

Giving Season

Well, it's just about over, at least in terms of money, though there are still numerous ways you can volunteer your time. Despite the incredible amounts of money raised through this blog, which as with everything else with this site far exceeded my wildest ambitions, the truth is a relatively small percentage of daily readers have contributed through this site. There's no need to contribute through this site, and of course many people have contributed other ways.

On Nov. 3, if the news is "bad," we're all going to have figure out if we did all that we can. I'm not talking about going to heroic efforts (though those who are should be commended), just devoting a reasonable percentage of your available money and time, one way or another, to the "cause."

One way this site has far exceeded my expectations has been as an income generator. Both due to the generosity of readers and the current popularity of blogads, for the first time in my life I don't fret about every dollar (when you don't cash your first real paycheck until you're 28, there's a bit of catching up to do). And, so having just received my latest payment from blogads, I'm off to make a fairly generous donation. I hope some of you join me.
And, again, something we need start thinking about on Nov. 3, no matter what the news, is... what now?