Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Handing Things Over to the Crazies

It's interesting (replace with more insulting word if you wish) how the media coverage of this election has been entirely on "what would President Kerry do?" without anyone really bothering to ask "what would a 2nd term President Bush do?"

He hasn't laid out any significant domestic agenda. He hasn't made an serious proposals to deal with the deficit, etc... etc...

But, the big elephant in the living is, of course, which foreign policy camp will triumph? As this anonymous author in Salon points out, all signs point to handing the keys to the state department over to the lunatics who took us to Iraq. Porter Goss will completely politicize the CIA. Defense has already been taken over.

Four more years of that and we'll have a foreign policy and intelligence appartus which will effectively be a wing of the craziest parts of the GOP.