Monday, November 08, 2004

More Good Ideas

From Jesse:

An additional one - go back to the Carter/Reagan era rules of allowing credit card debt to be at least partially tax deductible.

While the economist in me does think "broaden the tax base, lower the tax rates" is a much better economic policy and shudders at the thought of even more special deductions, we live in the age of anti-wonk, where good politics is all that matters. Pandering to what is probably a massive voting bloc in this country - those who hand a limb or two to MBNA every month - is sensible.

Look, the Democrats aren't going to have an iota of whatever agenda they're imagining right now passed in the next two years. At best a coalition of Dems and the 2-3 moderate Republicans in the Senate may be able to sandpaper off a tiny bit of lunacy. But, what they can do, if they play their cards right, is to present an agenda which would appeal to a large portion of the population. You know, say 50.01+ of them. Play offense, not defense. It's a propaganda war, not a legislative one, and we need to recognize that.