Monday, June 06, 2005

Holy Crap

We hear a lot about how the news audience is graying, but jeebus on a cracker I don't think I'd ever really internalized just how bad it is. Recent ratings numbers:

Total viewers, total day: FNC: 869,000 / CNN: 352,000 / MSNBC: 186,000

Total viewers, primetime: FNC: 1,758,000 / CNN: 721,000 / MSNBC: 306,000

25-54 demo, primetime [I think this should say daytime, not primetime -a]: FNC: 304,000 / CNN: 98,000 / MSNBC: 76,000

25-54 demo, primetime: FNC: 416,000 / CNN: 150,000 / MSNBC: 129,000

I assume that the <25 crowd is a trivial part of the audience. So, only about 25% of, for example, CNN's daytime audience is younger than 55 and about 15% of its primetime audience.


(bonus giggle link here)