Wednesday, June 21, 2006


In Coulter's latest book she reveals an interesting obsession.

Page 12:

Liberals used to tell us they were teaching fisting to fourth-graders because ‘kids are going to have sex anyways!’ (Yes, ‘fisting’ is exactly what it sounds like; have a nice day!) Now they’ve dispensed with that and openly concede that they believe virtue is just one of many equally valid points of view that must be counterbalanced with the argument for promiscuity, group sex, fisting, and other lifestyle choices.

Page 175:

Anal sex, oral sex, fisting, dental dams, ‘birthing games’—all that would be foisted on unsuspecting children in order to protect kindergartners from the scourge of AIDS.

Page 275 251:

From the reaction of the evolutionists, you would think the Dover schools were teaching fisting to twelve-year-olds (when, as any student knows, that’s not covered until junior year).

I'd simply chalk it up to Coulter's understanding of the conservative need to get lots of kinky porn with condemnation, or maybe our Ann is more religious than we give her credit for.