Friday, July 06, 2007



The U.S. command in Baghdad this week ballyhooed the killing of a key al Qaeda leader but later admitted that the military had declared him dead a year ago...

...Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner began his Monday news conference with a list of top insurgents either killed or captured in recent operations. He said they had been eliminated "in the past few weeks" and were "recent results."

Meanwhile, Joe Lieberman, in his latest cut-and-paste job stated:

According to Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner, the U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad, the Iranian government has been using the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah to train and organize Iraqi extremists, who are responsible in turn for the murder of American service members.

Sounds like it has been a pretty busy couple of days in agitprop for General Bergner.

By the way, General Bergner is the new U.S. military spokesperson in Iraq coming directly from the White House.

- Attaturk