Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Lindsey Sees the Future

Lindsey Graham on FTN:

I'll make a prediction on your show. In a matter of weeks, we're going to have a major breakthrough in Baghdad on items of political reconciliation -- the benchmarks -- because the Iraqi people are putting pressure on their politicians. That's the best pressure that could be applied where people vote is have the people themselves, frustrated with their own elected representatives, having their say. And I saw that all over Iraq.

Either Lindsey is speaking out the megaphone attached to his ass, or he's just foreshadowing an the inevitably 300th iteration of the "IRAQI LAWMAKERS HAVE COME TO AN AGREEMENT THIS TIME WE REALLY MEAN IT."

Still, no one will ever call him on his prediction if it fails to materialize. Except this lowly blogger, of course.