Friday, March 14, 2008

Tucker Has Classy Friends

From an email from Save Tucker:

March 13, 2008
John Bertran


Balance and real news reporting not on ideological agenda

3 Stooges

John Bertran, the Melbourne Florida investment counselor and insurance salesman who co-chairs Friends of Tucker Carlson today blasted MSNBC for canceling the show of conservative pundit, Tucker Carlson.

Friends of Tucker was formed and posted a website last December in the wake of rumors that Carlson would be purged by Liberals at the cable news network.

"The left-wing activists at MSNBC have succeeded in limiting the voice of the one independent minded conservative they have on the air," said Bertran. "Psycho socialist, Keith Olbermann, Tim O'Neil 'butt-boy' Chris Matthews and lefty hit man Dan 'Danny the rug' Abrams are trying to limit an important conservative and libertarian voice on MSNBC," the conservative activist said.

"Joe Scarborough's praise of the Clintons in a bald-faced effort to save his job makes me want to vomit," said Bertran. "Kommissar, Phil Griffin, the MSNBC Executive, is the ideological cleanser."

Viewers should beware the pro-liberal bias of MSNBC and protest this corruption of a news organization with NBC Executives.

Besides, Chris Matthews was Tip O'Neill's buttboy, not Tim O'Neil's.