Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Don't Like Arnie

The governator is not very popular.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today has a 37% approval and 60% disapproval rating. Subtracting disapproval from approval yields a Net Job Approval of Minus 23 — the lowest in our polling since May of 2006, when it reached Minus 25. Schwarzenegger’s highest approval rating was a Plus 23, recorded one year ago; his lowest ever is a Minus 33, reached twice, in both September and October of 2005.
Senator Dianne Feinstein today has a 49% approval and 47% disapproval rating, for a Net Job Approval of Plus 2 — the lowest her approval rating has ever been in SurveyUSA tracking, which began three years ago. Feinstein’s highest Net Job Approval was a Plus 26 in March 2006.

The junior United States Senator from California, Barbara Boxer, today is at Plus 6, with a 50% approval and 44% disapproval rating. Boxer has see-sawed over the past year, seeing Net Job Approvals as high as Plus 23 in May 2007, and as low as 0, in November 2007, when her approval and disapproval ratings were each at 46%.