Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Giuliani Time

I wasn't sure what pissed off Bernie's judge so much yesterday. Now we know.

In June, the judge learned that a nonpracticing lawyer affiliated with Kerik was speaking with witnesses.

Kerik acknowledged having retained the man for $1, and Robinson warned it better not happen again.

In recent weeks, prosecutors discovered that Modafferi wrote anti-prosecution screeds on a Web site linked to Kerik's defense fund site.

They said Kerik was also using Twitter to refer supporters to Modafferi's site.

In one entry the judge quoted, Modafferi wrote, "In a heavy-handed attempt the government gave Kerik an ultimatum, plead or the government will do everything in its power to destroy Kerik and his family."

The judge also cited an affidavit in which Kerik admitted sending Modafferi's a defense motion that included material that was not public.