Sunday, October 17, 2010

Foreclosure Hell

Maybe somebody should have done something.
Their loan originally was with subprime lender Argent Mortgage, then LaSalle Bank, then Wilkshire Financial. The loan was sold to Bank of America in September 2009, although the couple said they weren't initially notified. They made their September and October payments to Wilkshire.

"I had no clue. I just made my payment," Michael Rendes said. "I knew I had a mortgage." Wilkshire then told him the loan had been sold. He called Bank of America many times, but bank employees couldn't find the couple in the system. They tried using names, Social Security numbers, the parcel number, dates of birth, everything.

Their two payments were cashed but apparently not forwarded to Bank of America, or at least not posted to the couple's account. In November, they received a letter that they were in default.

The couple had the money to get caught up, but they said Bank of America wouldn't take it.