Friday, August 19, 2011

A Funny Joke

Via Steve M. Here is a funny joke.
Henry McMaster, the state's silver-haired former attorney general, then makes the political tenor of the room explicit when he rises to introduce Jon Huntsman in his thick-as-gravy drawl. "Some of you folks may remembah that I made a pledge that I looked forward to the day Democrats in South Carolina were so rare we'd have to start huntin' em with dawgs," McMaster intones. "It's come true! You cay-ant find any!"
Maybe those dogs would have come in handy when the SC governor disappeared on the Appalachin Trail.

Anyway civility harrumph discourse coarsening etc. and so forth. Can I hope in public that McMaster dies in a well-publicized two-wetsuit ball-gargling mishap, or would that be impolite?