Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dead of Night

A Senior Correspondent for the Fox Business Network and a New York Post op-ed contributor shares his wisdom about OWS:

Maybe the worse-spent [sic] dollar I have ever spent in my life was on a propaganda broadsheet titled “Justice,” which advocates “Struggle, Solidarity, Socialism.” On the front page of the newspaper-like document, beneath the headline “Capitalism: System Failure,” was a tease for a story on the economy and how “influential business economist Nouriel Roubini” recently said how “Karl Marx had it right. At some point, capitalism can destroy itself.”

Yes, the left-leaning Roubini made that fatuous statement, and many similar ones -- so many, in fact, that he has lost much of his credibility in financial circles, though that didn’t quite make it into the “Marx Was Right!” story.

Gosh. Roubini has "lost much of his credibility in financial circles." Funny how that often coincides with "being proved right"...