Thursday, November 10, 2011



The other important takeaway from this is that there's a genuine disconnect between the anti-choice movement and people who identify as "pro-life" but aren't in the movement.

I've been saying this, roughly, for years. I don't think all self-identified "pro-life" people are anti-women, anti-sex, anti-birth control, controlling pervert freaks, but the pro-life movement is. It's why it was so frustrating to watch for years as Sensible Democrats imagined they could come to some sane "grand bargain" and put the issue behind them forever. Sensible Democrats imagined that reducing abortion must surely be the goal of the "pro-life" movement, and so reducing unwanted pregnancies must be common ground we can all agree on. But, no, as they eventually finally figured out. Unwanted pregnancies are a feature, not a bug, at least for slutty slutty slutty sluts who have unapproved of sex. It's the "punishment."