Monday, February 27, 2012

Nice Religious Freedom You Have There, Have Fun Trying To Destroy It

As is so often the case I feel the need to make a rather obvious point here, but the only possible reasons for religious people to really want the government to get more involved in religion are either a) you really really really want theocracy, which doesn't really have anything to do with religious freedom (let's call this the evil reason) or b) you really don't understand that "religion" does not actually precisely equal "your religion" (let's call this the stupid reason). I'm sure there are people in column a) and column b), but I find the latter to be fairly fascinating. Is their exposure to the world really so limited? Has it not occurred to them, driving around, that all of the names given to the various Christian denominations might suggest that there are genuine differences in belief and practice? There are obvious important questions religious people should be asking about some of our dumber perennial controversies, such as when we're discussing organized prayer in schools, the question for religious people should probably be,"which prayers?"