Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mind Eraser

I'm not a parent and I try very hard (if not always successfully) to not judge the parenting of people who actually are. And I'm not going to in this post. But I do puzzle at the weird amnesia that seems to affect people who are parents. I wasn't a particularly "bad" kid. Had relatively overprotective parenting growing up. Was fairly shy and never had a billion friends. I never did drugs (including pot) and didn't drink very often pre-college. But I probably had my first illicit beer at 12-13 (and not just one). Had the sexytime before I could get a driver's license. This was all within the normal range of teen behaviors at the time and, if anything, I was pretty "well behaved." I'm just amazed when people are SHOCKED to discover 14-15-year-olds are engaging in behavior which should be completely expected, if not necessarily condoned.