Thursday, December 18, 2014


I haven't watched Colbert all that much recently. Not because I'm not a fan, just because after a day of paying attention to the bullshit I'm not always that interested in a recap - even a funny one! - of the bullshit.

Still one minor observation I'll make as the show ends is that while people are marveling that he managed to stay in character, I think he stopped trying all that hard over the last couple of years. I mean, he stayed in character in the sense of acting like "Stephen Colbert" instead of being himself, but in the early days of the show I think they worked much harder to make a liberal point through the mouth of a conservative blowhard. More recently I think they tended to just say, ah, screw it, we'll just let this conservative blowhard of a guy make a liberal point even if we throw in a screaming eagle and some flags.

That's not a criticism. I didn't mind.