Monday, April 06, 2015

Get Off My Lawn

I get that not all change is good, that people can lament the fact that every other storefront in Manhattan is now a bank or a pharmacy (exaggeration! calm down). But once you start getting enraged that The Kids Today just aren't keeping it real like The Kids Yesterday, you're just getting old. Yeah it sucks that styles change and you went from having your finger on the pulse to not, but, hey, things change. Pretty sure some Real New Yorkers, transplants or not, are doing some pretty cool music and art and theater and hopefully managing to survive despite the absurd rents that The Kids Yesterday did not have to pay. And, yeah, pretty sure The Kids Yesterday, especially the arty bohemian crowd, had a wee bit of narcissism because arty bohemian kids tend to be a bit narcissistic. be clear, the writer in the linked post isn't being enraged at The Kids Today, he's discussing somebody else who is.