Monday, August 10, 2015

And When They Go?

I'm reasonably sure New York State could find some change in the couches of some banksters if they really wanted to.
Speaking to reporters before the Dominican Day Parade in Manhattan on Sunday, Mr. Cuomo said he was willing to meet with the secretary of transportation, Anthony Foxx, who had asked for a meeting by Monday, “but there’s no reason to meet now, because it’s very simple.” The states could not afford to pay back a loan, Mr. Cuomo said; only cash would do to help cover the estimated $14 billion cost.

“I don’t need your advice; I know we need the tunnel,” Mr. Cuomo said. “We’ll build the tunnel — I’ll go out there with a shovel myself — but we need the money.”

Shorter Cuomo: Give us all the money or I turn New York City into a hellscape.