Monday, December 10, 2018

Norway or Bust

Norway(ish) is the only Brexit thing which ever made any sense at all. Also mostly pointless and stupid! But not a big deal.

With the U.K. Parliament balking at Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal, Norway’s arrangement with the European Union is getting another look. It’s a model that might just find broader support -- at least as a temporary move -- until a better answer can be found. Supporters say it’s a lifeboat option that honors the result of the 2016 referendum in which Britons voted to exit the bloc, while minimizing damage to the U.K. economy by ensuring closer ties than May’s plan would. But the route is fraught with obstacles of its own, not least of which is that the EU might not agree.

I'm sure the EU would be fine with "Norway" just not "Norway with a bunch of Rube Goldberg bullshit so the Tories can tell their idiots that Brexit means Brexit."