Monday, December 30, 2019

Speaking Wingnut

It's often wrong to think conservatives are full of shit. They're just not using words and phrases to mean things that they normally mean. It's not true that they are big hypocrites or lying about "religious freedom," it's that to them, "religious freedom" means the freedom of members of their dominant preferred religion to enact theocracy and oppress everybody else. That is simply what it means to them.
In the wake of weekend attacks on a New York Hanukkah celebration and a Texas church service, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted, “Grateful to @realDonaldTrump and @VP for their commitment to protect #religiousfreedom at home and abroad. Thankful for the work of @IRF_Ambassador carrying the mantle on these issues. The fight to secure a religiously free world is urgent, and the U.S. will continue to lead.”

In under five minutes, Tapper responded to Pompeo: “The president proposed banning Muslims from entering the country and then his administration worked to make a legal version of such an order. That’s not a commitment to protecting #religiousfreedom.”