Thursday, January 30, 2020


Elon time is become ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more ridiculous than Friedman Units.
Martin Viecha -- Senior Director of Investor Relations

Thank you. The next question is, you set expectations that you would be feature-complete on FSD by the end of 2019. Can you please provide an update on when will we see this -- but with end users, where are you in retrofitting the FSD computer to older models?

Elon Musk -- Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Well, I mean, to be precise, I said I was hoping it would be feature-complete with both FSD by the end of last year. We got pretty close. It's looking like we might be feature-complete in a few months. The feature-complete just means like it has some chance of going from your home to work let's say with no interventions. So, that's -- it doesn't mean the features are working well, but it means it has above zero chance. So I think that's looking like maybe it's going to be couple of months from now. And what isn't obvious regarding Autopilot and Full Self-Driving is just how much work has been going into improving the foundational elements of autonomy. The -- like the core autopilots in Tesla or Autopilot software and AI team is just is I think very, very strong in making great progress. And we're only beginning to take full advantage of the Autopilot hardware and the FSD hardware.

So I think it's -- the apparent progress, as seen by consumers, will seem to be extremely rapid, but actually what's really going on my head it seems like that is just having the foundational software be very strong and we've got really strong foundation. And then a really fundamental thing is moving to video training. So in terms of labeling, labeling with video in all eight cameras simultaneously. This is a really, I mean in terms of labeling efficiency, arguably like a three order of magnitude improvement in labeling efficiency. For those who know about this, it's extremely fundamental, so that's really great progress on that.
What about the million robotaxis, Elon?
"If you fast forward a year, maybe a year three months, we'll have over a million robo-taxis on the road."

According to Musk vehicles will drive anywhere. "If you need geofenced maps, you're not self-driving," he said. He said that Teslas will be available to autonomously navigate dense urban areas like San Francisco and New York by the end of the year.
That was last April.