Wednesday, July 01, 2020


As I said, I'm not interested in demonizing people for individual bad behavior - this is a collective problem - but why the hell are these people covered in this way?
This is A Cautionary Tale featuring well-intentioned people making poor choices. It is also the tale of a socialite with an Instagram habit who recently held a fabulous backyard soiree during a pandemic. The upside of living on social media is the admiration and envy of your friends. The downside is when your dinner party goes viral. Literally.

Ashley Taylor Bronczek, one of Washington’s social stars, decided to throw a party after the Washington Ballet’s online fundraiser, which she co-chaired. The June 18 gala was a huge success, raising more than $800,000 — the top sponsors were her generous in-laws, David and Judy Bronczek. To celebrate the occasion, she hosted a catered dinner for a couple dozen friends in the backyard of her Spring Valley home. It was, by all accounts, a picture-perfect night chronicled on (per usual) her Instagram account.
I'm not sure this stuff needs the newspaper treatment at all, but if it does get it, it shouldn't have the first paragraph absolution. Yah, well, we all want to have fun with our friends but the well-intentioned thing was to... not?