Friday, October 30, 2020

Hey, uh, Ruth? Can You Write Just One Thing Without Plagiarizing Or Making Things Up

Some people just stick around "journalism" forever no matter what they do. Total mystery.
The Erik Wemple Blog wrote last week that these counted as freakish events in one of the world’s safest sports. The Atlantic has already issued one correction on the story — a claim about Olympic-size backyard hockey rinks — prompted by this blog’s questions. Now there appear to be yet more problems.

The gore that Barrett — who formerly went by the name Ruth Shalit while racking up a scandal-ridden record in Washington decades ago — described in the Atlantic has riled up the community of fencers in Fairfield County, a place whose affluence drives the narrative behind the piece. Most prominent among Ivy League-fixated parents in this story is “Sloane,” the alleged middle name of a woman who is said to have three daughters and a son. Her 12-year-old is the one who allegedly took a saber to the jugular.

I'm busy at the moment so I can't do a Ruth Shalit retrospective, but... People just keep paying her to write stuff no matter what! Blessed life.