Monday, May 22, 2023

Beyond Reproach

Good piece from Lithwick.
Years ago, I heard a marshal tell a journalist that the first two rows of the press area were reserved for “court employees”—meaning the folks in the so-called permanent press corps. It occurred to me that our job in the press is to constantly remind the nine Justices that we do not in fact work for them. I wonder whether all the fury being directed by some of the Justices at journalists right now comes from the kid glove treatment they not only came to enjoy, but to expect? In covering the court as though the Justices were uninteresting and untouchable, did we reinforce a norm in which they believe now that any scrutiny is an attack?
As Lithwick recognizes, even the better journalists covering the Court (including her!) have covered them in a bizarre deferential fashion. I hope more of them (the ones who aren't just craven hacks anyway) think about why!