Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Those Are People

I'm not even a particularly "emo" kinda person, but the willingness to chuck out any concern for the effects of policy on the most precarious people, based on likely incorrect (or even correct!) notions of political expediency, upsets me quite a bit!

We all have our own lines, or at least I hope we do!

One of my firm belief is that our politics would be greatly improved by shutting off cable news in Congressional offices. This was obvious to me 20 years or so ago when I first paid a visit to some of those offices. Things like "the border crisis" are a crisis because they are on teevee, not because of anything real, and while I don't think my personal politics are universally popular, I don't think allowing yourself to be led around by the worst people in the world (conservatives, shitty political journalists, and the democratic mercenary consultant class) is the smart play, either.