Thursday, May 23, 2024

Chasing Haley Voters

There was zero chance Haley would endorse Biden, but successfully chasing her voters seems to require, at a minimum, her doing a coy "I'm going to write in Ronald Reagan" kind of nonsense.
Nikki Haley says she will vote for Trump in 2024 election
Nothing is that straightforward, but the idea that dedicated Republican voters - the kind who actually show up to vote in primaries - are itching to vote for a Democrat is not a solid idea.

A useful exercise - one I do myself occasionally - is to ask yourself just how bad the Democratic nominee would have to be before you would actually go pull the lever for the Republican? House, Senate, Governor, President? What would make you say "wow, that Dem is a piece of shit, time to hand it to the Republicans instead?"

I might stay home. I might not bother to jump through the minor hoops to get an absentee ballot or similar if I needed to. But actually go vote for, I dunno, Mitt Romney for president? Don't think I can!

Why do people think Republicans are different? Sure there are swingy voters, but the ones who vote in primaries?