Thursday, May 02, 2024

It'll Be Wrapped Up By (Last) January

The twin of "this is a problem, someone else should do something about it" is "surely that problem will take care of itself."

I actually don't like yelling at Democrats, contrary to the belief of many of my fine readers. I was all set to clap for the great and glorious perpetual reign of King Joey I. I did do some clapping! They started off great! Then things started going wrong as they started to listen to the centrist dipshits. Not everything was their fault, but presidents do have an ability to get some of their priorities through, at least, and the priorities started to shift noticeably.

There was still some good stuff, but the reversion to mean Democrat both in policy and rhetoric was noticeable.

But, hey, anyway, politics isn't about pleasing me, personally, and I get that beating the bad orange man is pretty important. I wish they'd treat beating the bad orange man as important!

They really believed that Bibi would kill a bunch of Palestinians, for no particular reason other than revenge (it was clear from the beginning that targeting Hamas specifically and retrieving hostages were not in any way priorities), then the bloodlust would be satiated (this is Sensible Politics), and Joey would implement the Kushner-Netanyahu-Biden Middle East Peace Plan with Saudi Arabia (!!) and everyone would cheer.  All wrapped up by February 1.

It was obvious since late October that, at a minimum, the devastation in Gaza was going to be so total  that there would be no way to have a "day after."  

And, now, if you're a completely cynical shit, they have a "protester problem."

Joey gets mad at his aids when they still him things he doesn't want to hear, so they stop, and is very influenced by the very intelligent opinions of former Republican Congressman, Florida Man Morning Joseph, who is busy pushing the idea that bike locks are proof that protesters are all funded by Putin and Soros. 

Again, they should be more worried about beating the bad orange man. "The protesters are upsetting suburban voters so we should beat them, also the protesters and people who broadly agree with them should vote for us" has some problems as a strategy.

No I am not saying Biden is ordering the cops to bust heads, or has the power to micromanage police, but these things are, in various ways, coming from the top, and could be pushed in the other direction from the top.