Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Nobody Could Have Predicted

The kind of revelation that they should have had last October.
The Biden administration fears Israel is disastrously squandering its opportunity for victory against Hamas, losing its best chance to eliminate the group’s hold on Gaza and threat to the Israeli people.

Top officials are publicly calling Israel’s strategy in Gaza self-defeating and likely to open the door to Hamas’ return — a level of criticism of the Middle East ally not seen since the war began in October.

The officials say Israel’s government has failed to hold parts of Gaza after clearing them, has turned the civilian population and the rest of the world against it with widespread bombing and inadequate humanitarian aid, and enabled Hamas to recruit more fighters.
Of course if they really believed this was genuinely an effort by Israel to get rid of Hamas, instead of murdering or expelling as many Palestinians as they could get away with before the US stopped them, then Biden's people are dumber than I imagine!