Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Abortion Is Health Care

Like all slogans or pithy statements of fact, it could have been criticized for its political utility, but The Very Sensible Centrists mocked it as being untrue. Abortion isn't health care, it's what sluts choose to do when they can't keep their legs closed and they're too irresponsible to raise a child.
But access to pre- and post-natal care dwindled in Mississippi since the June ruling, making childbirth even more dangerous for poor women and children. The only neonatal intensive care unit in the state’s impoverished Delta region closed in July under financial pressures, moving lifesaving care for ill or premature newborn babies about two hours away by car.
You'd have to be nuts to try to practice in these places, and it isn't enough to be a kindly saintly doctor in our glorious modern medical care system, as they don't have the authority to make decisions.

Alito body count.