Monday, August 07, 2023

Biofuels, Bitches!

Lots of things are above my pay grade, but my whole life there have been fanciful technological solutions offered in place of doing sensible things with existing technologies, some of which were just complete frauds (carbon capture! clean coal!).
Solar is cheap now. Wind is cheap now. Sure both have some storage issues, and won't solve every problem (won't curse cancer or stop racism, either), but the impediment to a lot of shifts are the current stakeholders in those interests.

Very Serious People love to get mad at enviros opposing nuclear, or some rich NIMBYs stopping a wind project (somehow they are hypocrites instead of just rich assholes), but really you're an idiot if you think it's environmentalists who have the power to stop progress on climate change.

This post wasn't inspired by anything specific, but there has been an uptick in "well I guess it's time for geoengineering" commentary and, yah, sure, let's do that.  No way to fuck that up!