Monday, February 26, 2024

She'll Be Missed

Mag Habs writes a tearful (exaggeration) farewell piece to Ronna McDaniel in today's NYT, a final farewell to an excellent source.

It occurred to me that I had (until I checked) no idea who the head of the DNC was.

There isn't one reason for this, but it is an issue that the Republican Cinematic Universe is so large, with so many characters and so many spinoffs.

One reason - relevant for Mag Habs - is they play the corrosive access journalism game very well.

But, generally, the Republicans are portrayed as the  protagonists even when mostly out of power.

This isn't directly related, but I regularly think of how during the Bush Years, Meet the Press justified its Republican/conservative heavy guest roster by saying that they were in charge so that made sense. Then, when Obama took power, they justified the same by arguing that administration in power had plenty of ways to get their message out, so it made sense for them to provide a platform for the minority party.