Monday, February 19, 2024

Well That Was All A Big Mistake

There are a lot of little things that lead me to say this, some linked together and some disparate, but I do think the years 2001-2020 were in many ways a period of a great experiment in letting the riffraff have access to the microphones, and the powers that be have decided that was a tremendous mistake.

"Riffraff" includes a lot of things - people who didn't go to Ivies, minorities and marginalized people, even just "random people on the internet with little nepotism involved."

Not the whole story, but this bit in the Harvard Crimson is some of it.
One popular hypothesis: The reporters flock to Harvard to work through their personal struggles with generational overachievement. There’s no “crisis in higher education”; there’s just a crisis of New York Times writers with daddy issues and anxiety over what the end of legacy admissions could mean for their children’s college prospects.
And the general anti-anti-racism backlash is, contary to what everyone wants to pretend, an elite project.