Monday, February 19, 2024

Let's Spend Weeks Talking About The Fact That Our Candidate Is A Drooling Vegetable

Biden can't de-age himself, the time to push him to drop out (if you were so inclined) was a year ago, and if you think he needs to change course on something, perhaps stick to the things that he can change.

Not sure why that Pod Save America guy (sorry, can never remember which is which) and Ezra Klein are pushing this now. I don't think everyone is required to be an unpaid spokesperson for the re-elect Joe Biden (or elect unnamed Democrat) campaign, but when things are framed as "just trying to help," then they should perhaps be helpful.

Basically, the issue is: if there is a problem with no non-insane solution to it (Biden drops out, and Harris is not anointed the candidate, which is their push), why prominently highlight the issue under the guise of being helpful? People can spout off about anything they want to, of course.

This all just talking around the big shit in the middle of the living room, which most of them don't want to talk about.

The unstated thing here is no one "serious" in Dem circles thinks Harris should be the candidate (I am not endorsing this view, just explaining).