Monday, March 11, 2024

And Then?

Forgetting the morality of it all, from the beginning I've been stunned by the inability of the Biden administration to game out what was happening in Gaza. As in, if this is what is happening in November, what will be happening in December? You might remember they were saying that the whole thing should be over by January, but that was two months ago.  Even as of January, Gaza was basically destroyed and starvation was looming.
Anyway, good job everybody who thought that telling Biden to change course in October (FIVE MONTHS AGO) was the thing that was going to hurt his chances against the Bad Orange Man, and not Biden's failure to change course.

Something else people pretend to not understand is that it isn't critics of Israel's current actions who put the situation on the front pages every day. If this is less important than all of the other things people are supposed to care about instead, take it up with our nation's news editors and producers.

There's an acceptance that every other segment of the voting population needs to be convinced and cajoled into voting, that Dems need several hundred million dollars to shift 20,000 votes in Pennsylvania, that resources need to go into GOTV operations, that "why should I bother voting" is a lamentable and frustrating position, but one which campaigns have to deal with in better ways than yelling "Orange Man Bad."   

The strategy for dealing with The Left (as people angry about Gaza have been coded)  is to send John Fetterman out wearing an Israeli flag cape to yell at them.  Pretty strange!