Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Mods! Mods!

Republicans spent decades demonizing the Courts, even as they were packing them. That led to reporters giving credence to the view that the courts - and some in particular, like the 9th Circuit - were somehow inappropriately "biased." Those reporters would then go do the propaganda work for them. I'm not even blaming the reporters here (sometimes valid, sometimes not). If "one side" says something, they're going to report it.

Every time some shit goes down, a bunch of elected Democrats, who are half way to enlightenment, say something like, "if this was a Democrat, the media outrage..." And, yes, that's true. But a big reason it's true is because Republicans would be throwing hissy fits to any reporter who would listen, instead of complaining about the lack of outrage. The outrage has to come from you!  Be outraged!  They might even report it!