Friday, March 29, 2024

Prosperity Gospel For Atheists

It is a shame the the political donation side of SBF's activities won't go to court. The corruption of politics by SBF, crypto weirdos, and the EA cult (overlapping but not identical) has been brushed under the rug and quite a few of your faves should be implicated in all of that.

"Effective Altruism" has gone underground a bit now, but it's worth going through that scam/belief system.  It starts out with a cult pitch aimed at people who really want to believe they're both smarter and better than everyone else: we want to do good in the world, but we want to do it SMARTER than everyone else.

They start with some very obvious basics: why do we waste so much money on [X] when it's obvious that the ROI on mosquito nets is absurdly high. Big Charity is too stupid/corrupt, and we, smart people, know better. This is not always wrong, of course!

Then it moves onto Atheist Prosperity Gospel: since WE (YOU) know better than those dumdums, the best thing you can do for the world is get as rich as possible and then spend it on smart things. They call it "earning to give."

Then they add in longtermism. AKSHUALLY, we shouldn't be worried about the problems of today - like malaria - when the real issue is the survival of the species! It's WRONG to discount the future at all. A person 10 million years from now is just as important as a person today. Perhaps even moreso!

If we don't discount the future at all, and WE (smart people) have almost perfect foresight into the problems facing the future, which include some form of armageddon - likely the activation of Skynet - then what we really need to do is hoard all of our wealth to ensure our weirdo cult survives in order to reintroduce civilization, post-apocalypse. Probably with lots of sex slaves. 

It ultimately all leads to eugenics (we are the big brains who need to survive) and sex slaves (to let us breed to propagate our big brain genes). Rapey Hari Seldons.

As I said, they're a bit underground, now, but they'll be back!