Sunday, April 28, 2024

Puppy Killing

The real story with Noem's puppy killing is that she and everyone around her - including everyone involved with the production of the book - thought this was a good anecdote to share.

One bizarre thing which became apparent as the MAGAs took over the conservative movement is that none of these people are capable of even pretending to be nice people. That John Boehner got drunk with journalists and told them great stories doesn't excuse his policies or their coverage of them, but it at least explains how he rose in politics and maintained good coverage. Being a friendly enough shithead can get you a long way! 

The MAGAs, however, are all absolutely repellent people who seem to have no understanding that not everybody is like that. I know I shouldn't hand it to him for anything, but the one exception to this is probably Matt Gaetz. No I am not saying he is good, but he is capable of faking being a normal human for 5 seconds. 

They hate you, but they all fucking hate each other too, because how could they not?