Saturday, November 26, 2011

Caturday Thread

It Is What It Is

Saturday Evening

It's alright.

Happy, Happy

Flying Robots Are Killing People

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The Pakistani government has demanded the U.S. vacate an air base within 15 days that the CIA is suspected of using for unmanned drones.

The government issued the demand Saturday after NATO helicopters and jet fighters allegedly attacked two Pakistan army posts along the Afghan border, killing 24 Pakistani soldiers.

Afternoon Thread


Musical Chairs

The banksters are informing their servants that they aren't going to eat big shitpile.

It might not be the best solution, but the reality is no one needs to eat it. They can just give everybody free money and have a big do over.


America's Worst Law Enforcement official is in charge of the Penn State investigation and is the trustee for the MF Global bankruptcy.

He's found his niche: sometimes people value deliberate incompetence.

They're All On The Teat

For some reason it is the areas most dependent on the government...


Oh, sorry, crap assets.

The balance sheets of European banks are piled high with legacy assets -- mortgages, real-estate, and other loans--that are tying up precious capital and constricting the banks' ability to make new, more productive loans.

At the same time, the banks' traditional sources of funding--other banks and institutional investors--have begun drying up as the European crisis intensifies.

This leaves the banks desperately needing to raise cash to survive.

The first plan was to sell off the crap assets.

But according to Gareth Gore in the International Financing Review, this plan has failed, because buyers won't pony up the prices the banks want them to pay.

We've seen this movie before. Our Overlords apparently slept through it.


Or maybe they've been wide awake the whole time.....

Friday, November 25, 2011

Late Night

Tomorrow is Saturday, Saturday.

More Evening Thread

Evening Thread


Happy Hour Thread


Crass Commercialism

Do your part for Black Friday.

Musical Chairs

And we're playing that game again. The key is to bet on which financial organizations are not connected well enough to get the big bazooka of free money, and which ones are. The latter will probably eat the former, too.

Or just invest it all in Egyptian cotton futures.

Chump Change

It's fascinating, in an "oh my god our country is doomed" kind of way, how every single fantasy "centrist" "bipartisan" group gets endless free press from the official Court publications. It actually isn't news that a bunch of rich assholes have raised TWENTY TWO MILLION DOLLARS. That isn't actually real money in this context.

The Great And Glorious Empire

I gather we're entering another "clap louder you stupid hippies" phase.

Unemployment is at 9.0%. Nobody thinks it's going to be much better, or better at all, a year from now.

Nobody in charge thinks they should be doing much about that.

Wanker of the Day

Sam Brownback.

Saving Money By Spending More Of It

Yes, if we encourage people to buy more expensive plans that do less for them, with much of the money going to overpaid executives, we will save lots of money.


It is really what the leading lights at Kaplan Test Prep Daily want. The plutocracy we already have isn't good enough for them.

Also, too, monarchy.


It really isn't very hard. Escort executives out, change the locks, point the free money bazooka at them, at let the game continue like nothing happened.

Instead we're just going to repeat this over and over again.

Unity '12

Hedge fund billionaires, you're our only hope.

And then

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Midnight Special

More Tryptophan Thread

Thursday Evening

Rock on.


Some jokes are timeless and some are not.

Happy Turkee Day

It's Yurp's Fault

Also, too, unions.

The Downfall Of Newspapers Is Truly A Mystery

Happy Thanksgiving you fucking losers.

It's Thursday, Thursday

Holiday posting schedule. Enjoy your turkeys. Try not to shoot anybody in the face.

Overnight Thanksgiving Thread


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Later Wednesday Night Thread

Rock on

Wednesday Night

Have another video.

It occurs to me that the great thing about Thanksgiving is that it means that Life Day is just around the corner!!

We Are Aware Of All Internet Traditions

Have a video.

Happy Hour Thread


So Many Hostages

Government shutdowns, debt ceiling showdowns... Not sure why we're forgetting the cards Republicans have.

Connected Vultures Get First Dibs At The Carcass

No confidence that this will be the event that's the catalyst, it is going to take rich people screwing each other for there to be any real impetus for meaningful reform.


Sam Seder did a good interview with Dean Baker the other day, if you want to check that out.

Not Atrios

Afternoon Thread

If you have to deep fry the turkey tomorrow, please do it at least 25 feet from a flammable structure.

One Thing We Know For Sure

The buck will stop with the lowliest person possible.
As the tent city on the University of California, Davis, tripled in size, Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi insisted Tuesday that the school's police department defied her orders when it used force against students in last week's pepper-spray fiasco.

The Obvious Solution Is

Because it's working!!

UK households are facing pay cuts in real terms of more than 3.5% as salary increases fail to keep pace with inflation, official figures reveal.

The median salary for a full-time worker in the UK rose 1.4% in 2011 to £26,244, against a headline CPI inflation rate of 5% or higher, according to the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings from the Office for National Statistics.

Once upon a time too many economists had a social welfare function was basically W=GDP. Growth was good and the distributional effects didn't matter. Now apparently the social welfare function is just some function of the public deficit and the inflation rate. The rest of it is unimportant.

Wednesday Is New Jobless Day

This week anyway.

393K new lucky duckies.

Asked And...Answered?

Not sure congressional hearings are ever the place for actual information to see the light of day, but it will be interesting to see of Corzine agrees to show up and answer questions.

While I Was Sleeping Newt Become The Presumptive Nominee

Um, John? I think this was more than a "mild hotfoot" whatever that is.

Next week everything will be good news for someone else. Is it finally Ron Paul's turn?

That Money, You Will Give it To Us

Defense contractors have to eat.



Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Help a Blogger Out

World o'Crap invented devastating left snark-blogging. Scott C is a standup guy hard up right now (which if we had a first-world healthcare system, it seems, he wouldn't be). Go give him all your money or Al Qaeda wins, red-snouts.

More Thread

I hate pumpkin pie.


Busy with stuff.

I recommend cooking yours in the microwave.

Happy Hour Thread


Uh, It's Simple

Republicans like it because they know liberals don't.

Or Maybe $2 Trillion

Keep pulling on the MF Global string...

Lunch Thread


Hopefully They Kept Their "Homeless Person" Costumes

Some of them might need them soon.

We All Know What The Solution Is

Austerity and tax cuts for rich people.
The Commerce Department said Tuesday that the economy expanded at an annual rate of 2 percent in the July-September quarter, lower than an initial 2.5 percent estimate made last month. The government also said after-tax incomes fell by the largest amount in two years, reflecting high unemployment and lower pay raises.

Also, too, in Spain.

Spain paid more than Greece and Portugal to sell three-month bills as the newly elected People’s Party called for a European agreement to “save” the nation’s debt, saying the country can’t afford 7 percent interest rates.

So, don't borrow, cut cut cut!

Americans And "Americans"

When the Kenyan Muslim Socialist talks about lazy Americans (not that he actually did), he's talking about good, god-fearing, salt of the earth, hard working, Christian folk. When wingnuts do, they're talking about those other people.

America's Worst Law Enforcement Official

Gets an unbelievable fluffing in the Inqy.

Freeh's personal perspective may be as significant as his professional qualifications, said Howard Means, who cowrote Freeh's 2004 memoir, My FBI.

"He's the father of four children and he is an altar boy," Means said. "Louis is a very moral man, and has a strong relationship with the Catholic Church. He must have had a very visceral reaction when he first heard about this case. This is right down his alley - the alleged crime is one that would deeply offend him. He's a bulldog, and I think he'll wade in there and do everything he can to piece the story together."

So Many Possibilities

But the FHA is likely next in line for the giant free money bazooka.

Not in line: the 99%.


The issue is, of course, that "defense hawks" and "deficit hawks" are often the same people, and completely full of shit. There is a consistency, however, as both versions of hawkery involve the suffering of others.


Monday, November 21, 2011

The Worst Person In The World

Linda Katehi.

Monday Evening


Or Maybe A Trillion

Not really, but I really want to know how this story ends.

WASHINGTON—The court-appointed trustee overseeing MF Global's bankruptcy says up to $1.2 billion is missing from customer accounts, double what the firm had reported to regulators last month.

Happy Hour Thread

Get happy!

...ding dong the supercommittee is dead.

Hopefully we don't experience Supercommittee Returns: Supercommittee Cuts Stuff.

Text And Subtext

I've been seeing quite a lot of this lately, where if you read closely it's fairly clear that what (some of) our Galtian Overlords want is the big bazooka of free money, and not just for themselves. But they can't quite come out and say that.

America's Worst Law Enforcement Official

Oh, yes, put Louis Freeh in charge.

How It Works

In fact, the Republicans will be able to say quite honestly in their campaign ads that the Democrats want to cut social security and medicare and raise taxes.

Maybe one day they'll figure out that the median voter is not actually Fred Hiatt or Charles Lane.

It's Working! It's Working!

1) Destroy the economies of all of the people who buy your crap.

2) ???

3) Profit!!

FRANKFURT (MarketWatch) -- Germany's central bank on Monday cut its forecast for German economic growth in 2012, projecting gross domestic product to expand by 0.5% to 1% versus an earlier prediction of 1.8%, Dow Jones Newswires reported.

The New Normal

You know, it should occur to some people that perhaps there's a wee problem with the way things are set up if we're living in daily fear of the banking system destroying the world.

Elections About Nothing

Conservatives won on the "we're not them" policy agenda in Spain. Election isn't soon, but opposition Labour party in the UK seems to be running with the "marginally better than the other guys" agenda. And in the US the distinction between Team D and Team R is?

I'm not doing a 'no difference between the parties' thing. I'm a high information voter. I know what the differences are, even if they aren't as great as I'd like. But what are they going to run on in 2012? What will the choice be for low and medium information voters?


If you'll let me be completely charitable for a moment, and take a break from assuming Villagers are all assholes who want granny to starve, and instead assume that their concerns about the deficit are genuine, then basically their presumption is Big Money beats Big Voters. That is, "entitlements" need to be cut because they know Defense can't be. Donors trump voters.

This Is How The World Ended

I suppose we'll ("we" broadly speaking) hit another crisis point in the not too distant future, when the world is about to collapse and all of the free marketers will inform us that, once again, free money for rich assholes is the only solution.


UC Davis Chancellor.

The Atlantic has been on this.


It is hard to look at this kind of attack and think this is how we do things in America.


Our police forces have enshrined a paradigm of protest policing that turns local cops into paramilitary forces


When accused of police brutality cops often claim to be endangered, regardless of the facts of the situation.


Notice the crowd.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Late Night

Rock on.

More Thread

With parrot music
(Translation available here)

Sunday Evening


$1.2 Trillion In Deficit Cuts

So there's this bipartisan group of elected officials known as "Congress" that passed $1.2 trillion in deficit reductions into law. They also designated a random group of wankers to come up with some alternative $1.2 trillion in deficit reductions as a substitute. They didn't come up with a substitute. So we have the original path to deficit reduction as opposed to the potential substitute.

Why the press has mostly taken the position that some unspecified substitute would be better, or that cuts are implicitly good...

One True Technocrat

There is no "right" policy. There can be disagreed upon means for achieving agreed upon ends, but it's wrong to assume that there is in any way agreement on the ends, and even slight differences in desired ends can suggest fairly different means for achieving them. It's quite possible that Europe's "technocrats" know exactly what they are doing. Their ends may not be mine, or Brad's, and they may not be their stated ends, but it's possible they know exactly what they're doing.

That the social welfare function of someone who is willing to trade several points of unemployment for a point or two of worried about inflation might be a bit weird, or even sociopathic, does not mean that they are failing to maximize that social welfare function. Arguably the people who are in these jobs are in them for precisely that reason.

Bring Back Silvio

Even he knows the "technocrats" are going to destroy Europe.

PR And The University-Industrial Complex

Having spent lots of time in and around academia, I will say that there's a fundamental flaw, or at least thorn, in the model. The problem is that members of The Academy are committed to certain values, including a degree of honesty, whether or not they always live up to them, but of course The Academy is also made up of institutions with PR people and marketing departments and lawyers. That is, advertising and damage control, areas where The Truth is not necessarily a high priority. These worlds can collide. Also, too, militarized police forces.

A Boot On The Faces Of Hippies, Or Those Walking Nearby, Forever

Not that 'killing the protesting hippies' was ok either, but something often overlooked in contemporary discussions fo the Kent State shootings is that not everyone killed or wounded was even involved in the protests.


If nothing else, managing to shift the conversation for a couple of months is a tremendous accomplishment. While right wing lunatics can kick the ball and have the press follow any time they want, it's almost impossible for anyone resembling lefties to do it.

To State The Obvious

If it's ok for police to torture people with pepper spray given the circumstances at UC Davis, it's basically always ok for police to torture people with pepper spray.

And if it's ok for university administrators to order such things in those circumstances, it's always ok for university administrators to order such things.

'Cause the flag still stands for freedom, and they can't take that away.

Today In Elections

Elections in Spain today. "The assholes who are worse but at least aren't you assholes" are favored to win.

Austerity rocks!

They Aren't "Technocrats"

And, yes, we should retire the word. As Chunky BoBo columns go there are worse ones, but it's a decent moment to point out that the "technocrats" everyone keeps talking about in Europe are just ideologues of a certain flavor, ideologues who are likely to destroy the thing they're pretending to try to save.

Whatever the word is supposed to mean, "technocrat" is just this year's "Very Serious Person." In another words, just more assholes who like to destroy the world while patting themselves on the back for how brave and smart they are.

Sunday Bobbleheads

This Week has Rubio, Chris Coons, and Rahmbo.

Meet the Press has Kyl and Kerry.

Face the Nation has Toomey, Manchin, and Paul.

Document the atrocities!