Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday Night

It's alright.

Stares And Glares

I had a friend who bucked the current prevailing taboo, and would actually go to a bar and order an entire 12 oz. (maybe even 16!) beer with a giant baby in her tummy.

People did glare.

$75 Million Is A Lot Of Money For Vo Dilun

And even aside from the hypocritical Randroid parasite and the State he mooched from, these days it's much easier to propose subsidizing rich assholes than it is to propose building nice things. It's always about coming up with a plan to provide incentives to encourage Thuh Jaayyyuuub Creaturrrzzz to maybe do something.

Providence could use some better mass transit. $75 million would have been a pretty good start.

Happy Hour Thread

Be happy.

The Right People Run Things

If there had been one witnessed incident of abuse by Sandusky, followed by him being pushed out and never heard from again, one could understand. Not condoning or justifying such a course of action, but one can imagine how all involved - including the victim and his family - might have preferred it that way. But while he lost his main position and his chance to be Paterno's successor, they didn't push him away. He still had full run of the place, could still trade n its reputation, and he ran a goddamn charity for kids which should have raised a few red flags for the people who knew what he was.



I'm reminded of all of the former CNN people who were recruited and are perfectly happy in the Fox empire.

And that CNN has drifted right in recent years.

Your liberal media.

Lunch Thread


When The Water Goes Away

I've been reading minor and major scare stories about Florida water for years.

Things you can't entire plan for - major lengthy droughts - happen, but it's also the case that hope is not a plan. Hard to imagine what the response will be if a major population area runs out.

Sandusky Guilty

Not a tremendous surprise.

Really Wakey, Wakey Time

Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Night Catathon

Late Night


Friday Night Movie Recs

Álex de la Iglesia is a bit hit and miss, though I generally like his movies regardless. This is my favorite.

Happy Hour Thread


Austerity For Some, Free Money For Rich People

My cat Gizmo is pretty precious. He's worth at least ONE TRILLION DOLLARS. I should really be able to use him has collateral for a massive loan from the central bank. And, of course, if I was a rich bankster I probably could.

I doubt the two are connected but the ECB has announced it has adjusted collateral rules to allow banks greater access to liquidity. They will allow auto-loan asset-backed securities to be used, a new addition to the line-up.

This might even be the right policy, but free money bazooka for rich assholes and deprivation for everybody else might strike some as being unfair. And by some I mean hippie class warriors who should just shut up Shut up Shut UP SHUT UP SHUT UP.

And, yes, there are auto-loan asset-backed securities. Turn the machines back on!

Lunch Thread


How's It All Working Out Then

Sadly, all too well for the "right" people. About the only thing that will cause policymakers to be concerned is rich people problems.


Stay classy, Michael.

Do The Maths

People are graduating into a recession and can't get jobs. They have massive student loan debts so they can't possibly save for a down payment. Millions have been chucked out of their homes, making it impossible for them to get another mortgage or even have decent enough credit to qualify for a rental. Of course there's a low rate of household formation.

I'm sure once everyone gets some confidence in... the confidence fairy... or whatever the hell, everything will get better.

Forget The Politics

I wouldn't be too inclined to mingle with someone who was stalking me, either, especially one who kept telling everybody about just how much love he had to give me.

Morning Thread

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Late Night

Rock on.

More Scrumptious Thread

Happy Hour Thread


"As Much As"

Indeed. Assholes.

Silly Pincus

Wars are free!!!

Next time you're fretting over the cost of some government project that might appeal to liberals, remember we could have built the California HSR ten times over if we hadn't spent the money enriching military contractors and killing lots of innocent people instead.

Lunch Thread


Mint The Coins

While it certainly sounds crazy and wacky - as it does, frankly, whenever anyone talks about the government magically creating money, which is what it does - I have not yet seen anyone explain why the platinum coin solution to the debt ceiling problem is actually legally wrong.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

Almost forgot. 387K new lucky duckies.

Not so good.

History's Greatest Monster

If Bernanke thinks he could do more about unemployment, but doesn't on the off chance that inflation might creep up a bit in the future - a problem which the Fed can solve in about 3 seconds if it so wishes - then he truly is History's Greatest Monster.

Destroying Their Own Economy

One day Germany will figure out that people in other countries need to not be broke so they can buy their stuff.

After All He Did For You

It's one thing to live in a world where the banksters understood that at a minimum their careers and fortunes were bailed out, another to live in one where they have no care or awareness of that.
One of the biggest banks in the world wants the president’s favorite banker muzzled.

The bank’s powerful group executive board in Zurich recently presented Mr. Wolf with an edict directing him to report all his media inquiries to the firm’s press office. Since then, most of the requests to speak to Mr. Wolf have been rejected, according to people briefed on the situation, resulting in a much dimmer limelight for Mr. Wolf.

Look forward...


It will be interesting to see whether Romney can run an entire presidential campaign without making any policy commitments.

Wakey, Wakey

Yes. It is hot.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


It's a mystery why "having to drive to major sporting events" might not thrill everyone.

What's It All About Then

I'm not going to argue with this, but I will suggest that it's more "rich asshole failed to get the respect he is entitled to" than any grand vision about the world. Because, really, killing the German department isn't a vision.

Deep Thought

Maybe we could hire unemployed people to do useful things?


Happy Hour Thread


Everywhere All The Time

I can't wait until we have an awesome war with Iran so we can finally find out who our next Hitler is.

It's All "Printing Money"

Just some forms of printing money are more likely to help our Galtian Overlords than other forms, so that's how we know which might be good and which might cause scary inflation.

Lunch Thread


How Much Is Enough

Conceptually the ECB should be doing this, but they aren't allowed, so there's another entity which might start doing its job without the benefit of the "print as much money as you want to for free" superpower that the ECB has.

No I have no idea if this is enough.


Yes, one way or another, Philadelphia needs to make it more painful for landowners to leave properties vacant. Not against shifting emphasis to a land tax, but taxes are pretty low here generally and the property valuation system is a complete mess making such a move a bit more difficult than it might otherwise be. Slapping on a nontrivial vacant property fee might be the temporary solution....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Most Important Part Of This Article

"Kia Soul."


There are some despicable choices one can never really escape, no matter how hard you try.

Has former Doctor Who actor Christopher Eccleston hopped in the Tardis and gone back in time to rewrite his own history? The actor, who is currently starring in Antigone at the National Theatre, has a biography in the programme notes of the Greek drama that conspicuously fails to mention the show that brought him to wide public attention.

While listing his other theatrical and televisual achievements, Doctor Who, in which he starred for one series in 2005, is notably omitted. The National Theatre says it is not responsible.


Having people be willing to pay you to hold on to their money for them is an opportunity.

Oh well.

More Thread

I got nothin'.

Happy Hour Thread


2100 Parking Spots

I'm not saying it's wrong. There's no easy way to flip development patterns in that area, so that "people can live by the station" would beat "people need to drive to the station and park," but the park-n-ride model really is flawed...
The Fullerton Transportation Center gets 814 new parking spaces to serve commuters using Amtrak, Metrolink and Orange County buses. The center currently has more than 1,300 parking spaces.

33 Pages

Stupid or evil, one never knows.

Lunch Thread


Assholes Love This Story

Think of the children.

“Houston is home,” Jeffrey said during recess, in English. “The houses and stuff here, it’s all a little strange. I feel, like, uncomfortable.”

Never before has Mexico seen so many American Jeffreys, Jennifers and Aidens in its classrooms. The wave of deportations in the past few years, along with tougher state laws and persistent unemployment, have all created a mass exodus of Mexican parents who are leaving with their American sons and daughters.

Renter Nation

Rents are up, so this should be going the other way.

Builders in the U.S. broke ground on fewer homes than forecast in May as a slump in the construction of apartments swamped a pickup in single-family houses.

This is a tangential thought, but I do think those people who think that a) we do too much to encourage homeownership and b) even after the crash perhaps more people own homes than is ideal, really need to think seriously about heresies such as rent control. A big reason people buy is that it allows them to lock in a rent and have worry free (absent banksters stealing your home, of course) stability in a neighborhood long term. Especially for people wanting to put their kids through the local schools, that stability is a big draw. Protections for long term tenants, including limits on rent increases, would make renting a more attractive proposition for people.

I'm not talking about a hard firm lock in your rent forever rent control, just some dampening of price spikes for long term tenants.

Oops We Meant To Ask For Eleventy Trillion

More money to light on fire.
MADRID (MarketWatch) — The deadline for a group of auditors to present full reports on the capital needs of Spain’s financial sector has been pushed to September from July 31, a Spanish central bank source said Tuesday.

Jesus Tits

What the hell?

The credit divide factors into their thinking. Fed officials have been frustrated in the past year that low interest rate policies haven't reached enough Americans to spur stronger growth, the way economics textbooks say low rates should.

I'm actually a slightly bigger fan of evil than I am of stupid. Oy.

Good Morning

Diane, over at Cabdrollery reminds us that we will always have to struggle to hold on to our rights. She calls it Kingbirding.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer In The City

We should all applaud when our tax dollars are used for nice things.

Monday Night



Our Justice Department hazthem!!!

Afternoon Thread


We'll Get It Right This Time!!!

They're evil and eye-rollingly stupid.
The head of the European Central Bank and other euro zone leaders worked on Saturday on a grand vision for the euro zone meant to reassure investors and allies that flaws in the currency union will be addressed quickly.

A small suggestion: maybe think about reassuring, you know, citizens? Voters? The unemployed?

I'm such a silly dirty fucking hippie.

And what's the vision involve??

In addition, the plan will push for countries to remove the regulations and layers of bureaucracy that inhibit competition, keep young people out of the work force or make it difficult to start a new business.

Clearly what should be the central focus of the central bank. Good thing we have that central bank independence so they can tell us what to do with impunity.

For years people have wondered...just what was that euro project all about? I think we're finding out. Getting rid of democracy.

And How Was That Supposed To Work Again

Spain desperately needed austerity to lower its borrowing costs, so they promptly borrowed (well, announced ability to borrow) 100 billion more euros so that their banksters could light it on fire.

And people are surprised that this did not reduce borrowing costs?

Basically everything The Very Serious People propose, especially in the "giving free money to rich people" category, is taken seriously even if it makes no sense at all and is completely at odds with what they claim needs to be done.

Crazy Talk

You mean destroying an economy won't save it? This is crazy talk!
There is no easy option for Greece, given its problems. Difficult reforms are vital. But how can an austerity plan — which has seen recession turn into depression, youth unemployment soar to more than 50 per cent, the economy shrink by six per cent in the last year alone and the national debt grow further — be seen as a success? As even the credit rating agencies now recognise, as Standard and Poor’s puts it, that “austerity alone risks becoming self-defeating”.

But Latvia! Ireland!

"Internal Devaluation"

Just a reminder that when people suggest this as a solution for Greece or Spain, what they mean is "make everybody* poor."

Some solution!

*Well not everybody, of course, but you know what I mean...

Light It All On Fire

Given the eagerness of the powers that be to aim the free money bazooka at anything resembling a failing giant bank, the incentives for those running them aren't to try to limp along through troubled times, but instead to blow themselves up spectacularly.

But remember kids, moral hazard is what happens when a single parent gets $10 more per week in extra food stamp money.

Blame Everybody Else, Especially The Poor And Powerless

Cameron blames "the eurozone" for his horrible policies. German banks blame Greece for forcing them to lend them all that money. And everybody knows the root of the problem is lazy poor people.

Morning Thread

Saturday, Avedon had an interesting post up about the tax code, comparing the personal exemption from 1894 and today. Guess what? It hasn't kept up. Along the same lines, Echidne wrote about the minimum wage for people earning tips. The gender gap is particularly stark for those workers.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Actually A Pretty Good Movie

I've actually only seen (I think) one Ryan Gosling movie, Lars And The Real Girl. Didn't expect it to make him the weird cultural phenom he seems to have become, but it was actually a pretty good movie. At the very least, it's a movie which would generally exceed any expectations given the title. Not quite what you think it is!


Not necessarily faulting the NYT headline writer, but it's certainly an odd way to present things.

Don't think the issue was really the "bailout." Maybe the strings and, well, also, too, mass unemployment and suffering.

Austerity Forever

Well as long as world markets are calm, that's all that really matters.


Obviously Constitutional

Totally predictable. How they see religious freedom.
Rep. Kenneth Havard, R-Jackson, objected to including the Islamic School of Greater New Orleans in a list of schools approved by the education department to accept as many as 38 voucher students. Havard said he wouldn't support any spending plan that "will fund Islamic teaching."

"I won't go back home and explain to my people that I supported this," he said.

"It'll be the Church of Scientology next year," said Rep. Sam Jones, D-Franklin.

Carter, R-Baton Rouge, said the Islamic school withdrew its request to participate in the voucher program.

"They're not interested. The system works," he said.

Not too many will be on the approved religion list. Because freedom.

All Local Places Have Their Local Place Stuff

One of my minor pet peeves is when people write about their own local places as if the fact that they have any local characteristics/traditions/linguistic quirks/cultural norms/etc at all is some unique in all the universe. I'm not saying people shouldn't talk about such things - they can be very interesting! - I just mean that there isn't anything particularly special about being special. Most places have their little things that make them special, but there isn't anything special about that.

Ode To A Grecian Spurn

I don't claim to know anything about Greek politics, but hopefully they chuck the austerity bastards out.

Wanker of the Day

Will Saletan.

Sunday Bobbleheads


Face the Nation has Romney, Lindsey Graham, and Howard Dean.

This Week has Plouffe and Pawlenty.

Document the atrocities!

Morning Thread

BBC America will have John McCain on this morning. Think I'll give it a miss.