Saturday, April 11, 2015

Late Night

Rock on.

Saturday Night

It's alright, it's ok.


I think we're at the "if we can't actually remember why we're mad maybe it's time to get over it" phase.

Afternoon Thread

Your favorite candidate sucks.

Lunch Thread

Probably a lazy blogging day. Sometimes need to stop staring at the screen.

The Other BRT Problem

The biggest problem with Bus Rapid Transit projects is BRT creep, in which all the "rapid" bits keep getting shaved off in order to save money. The other problem is that if a line is actually successful, the route probably needs rail to handle the ridership.

Morning Thread

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday Night


Happy Hour

Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now

The thing about the retirement crisis is that it's, you know, here. People don't have enough money to retire and maintain anything close to their existing standard of living. The 401(k) experiment failed, and even if 401(k) II Electric Boogaloo comes along and is totally awesome, that doesn't do anything for current and near retirees.

We want to structure our economy so that people who are beyond the age when they are able to work/able to find work will be able to have a dignified existence. We're currently failing at that.

We Were Promised Jetpacks

They told us it would be 72 degrees today. It is 55.

Afternoon Thread

Digesting my korean dumpling soup.

How I Saved The World

I'm not one to take credit for anything, in part because most of the time I can't remember what I came up with and what I stole from others. It's a consequence of having the internet jacked into your head all day. Words and phrases and ideas just flow through constantly.

I think David was a bit too "generous" in how he cast me in this narrative, but there is, I think, some truth to it. Basically I farted in church. It was taboo to suggest expanding Social Security, and I helped to break that taboo.

I went to a retirement funding conference and was on a panel which had a topic something like "Beyond Social Security." Essentially, the topic was what else can we do to improve the retirement situation. My role there was to fart in church again. None of the (many very fine) people working on retirement security issues were "allowed" to say that the answer was to expand Social Security. It was such a political non-starter that only "other" things could be considered. So various Rube Goldberg proposals (some ok, some not, but all mostly ineffectual) were put forward. I got to say that beyond Social Security should be MOOOOOOAAAAAR Social Security. It isn't that this was something most people disagreed with, it was just something that was too crazy to actually propose. Bring on the crazy blogger to propose it.

It isn't crazy anymore. Progress.

Crazy Ideas

Everybody's having them!!!

Off To The Races

Apparently Clinton's going to be running for realsie soon.

And the silly season officially begins.

Not Gonna Last Long

Gonna be a post-apocalyptic nightmare soon.
ATLANTIC CITY - Revel, the $2.4 billion former casino hotel sold this week for $82 million, went dark - literally - Thursday afternoon.

Power was cut off around 2:20 after its supplier, ACR Energy, made good on multiple threats to new owner Glenn Straub and shut off the lights to the 6.2 million-square-foot, 47-story Boardwalk property.

Morning Thread

We've entered the silly season, to be sure.

Ted Cruz is tired of the media making him look bad with accurately quoted remarks.

Thursday, April 09, 2015


I'm not sure it helps to know how the people appointed by our elected officials keep track of free citizens. But Marcy is trying. You can help if you know of any she's missed.


Conservative bigots are so weird.
In some respects, the series development appears similar to the current ABC comedy "Fresh Off the Boat." That show, about a Taiwanese family trying to adjust to life in the United States, was inspired by food personality Eddie Huang's memoir about his childhood.

Savage's very involvement angers the conservative groups. In a letter sent to Ben Sherwood, president of the Disney/ABC Television Group, MRC president L. Brent Bozell and Family Research Council President Tony Perkins cited Savage's "radical hate speech" and "venomous anti-Christian bigotry."

"They're choosing him for his signature, which is religious bigotry and personal offensiveness, not because he's gay," Bozell said. "There are a thousand and one gay people they could have chosen."

Summer In The Hellhole

It's good that the powers that be have come to understand that "hanging out and eating and drinking outside" are things people like to do. It wasn't all that long ago that restaurant sidewalk seating was completely banned in the city.

It's much better than "event" attractions, to which people just drive in for and then drive out. Beer gardens and similar benefit residents and visitors and aren't just a single destination thing.


Hopefully motorcycles will be welcomed in our new rollerball future.


This is not how America is supposed to work.
SAN FRANCISCO -- The California Public Utilities Commission has voted to penalize Pacific Gas & Electric Co. $1.6 billion for a deadly 2010 natural gas pipeline explosion.

Probably A Lizard Person

The one "conspiracy theory" I truly believe is that most of our elites are actually alien lizard people.

Up Is Down

Excuse my hopefully rare moment of complaining. I'm pretty thick skinned but one thing which always grates is when people totally misunderstand something I've written, or more broadly, my general perspective about things. I frequently come across people attributing views and opinions to me that I have, to my knowledge, never expressed. It's always weird.

Nice Work

Heckuva job.
The Lenape tribe got a better deal on the sale of Manhattan island than New York City’s pension funds have been getting from Wall Street, according to a new analysis by the city comptroller’s office.

The analysis concluded that, over the past 10 years, the five pension funds have paid more than $2 billion in fees to money managers and have received virtually nothing in return, Comptroller Scott M. Stringer said in an interview on Wednesday.

Good Morning

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

What's The Norm

Actually curious. What are you supposed to do when the cops pull you over? When I was a wee lad, back in the Simelszoic Era, we were taught (driver's ed in high school!) that as Officer Friendly was walking up to your car you were supposed to be pulling out your insurance information from the glove box and your license from your pocket. Now it seems that "reaching for something" is an excuse to acquaint your body with some pieces of lead.

America's Worst Humans

Megan McArdle

Popcorn Time

We'll see...
It has been falsely predicted many times in the last year, but now it seems to be true: The federal investigation into the lane closings at the George Washington Bridge appears to be coming to a head, with an announcement of indictments as early as next week.

Thank Goodness

It's Happy Hour!

Afternoon Thread



I have no illusions about the glory days when some men in blue didn't do horrible things, but as I've written before, I do think that there was a time when a cop shot someone it meant something had gone wrong. Encounters were supposed to be non-lethal. Cops were supposed to de-escalate violent situations. Pulling the trigger was a last resort.

Again, I'm not saying I think there was some glorious past when police malpractice was appropriately dealt with on a consistent basis, just that there was a public sense that shootings meant something went awry. Now it's enough that a cop "shoots a bad guy" and everybody (#noteverybody) just shrugs.

Truly Glorious

For connoisseurs of the genre this is a glorious Inqy comment thread about the urban hellhole.

I don't spend my days going to suburban newspaper sites writing "enjoy your traffic deaths and Olive Garden losers." I don't know why so many suburbanites do the equivalent.

The Greatest Human Who Ever Lived

Our elites don't have insecurity issues, apparently.
The memoir by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will be called "The Courage to Act" and is coming out in October.

Making rich people richer might have been the only legal way to help the economy, but I'm not sure how courageous it was.

Voting's Good

We should do it more.
Two black candidates are among three people elected to the Ferguson City Council, substantially increasing African American representation in the St. Louis suburb at the center of a national debate about how police interact with minority residents.

Morning Thread

I guess Chicago wasn't good to Mama.

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Late Night

Rock on.

Good Luck, Chicago!

Rahm will probably continue his project of clearing out the poors.

Happy to be wrong.

He Is Risen

Go Chuy!

Dear Ted Nugent cc: Glenn Beck, Victoria Jackson

Aside from everything else, I'm still angry that the media gaslighted the country into believing these were Very Serious People.

Doing It All Wrong

"Plenty of parking for our visitors" is the problem. If you build a bunch of "attractions" on the waterfront and surround them with acres and acres of parking lots, you ensure that any visitors just drive in and drive out. The point is?

Also, too, an ugly waterfront. The Delaware waterfront is never going to be paradise on either side, but it could be a lot better.

Afternoon Thread

Spent mine at the DMV. I'll see them again in 4 years!

Philly Locals, Go See This

This Midsummer Night's Dream production was pretty great.

Go Terry Mac

Can't make it impossible for people with criminal records to live out the rest of their lives.
RICHMOND — Gov. Terry McAuliffe on Friday ordered state agencies to remove from their employment applications questions that would disqualify job seekers on the basis of a criminal record.

McAuliffe (D) signed an executive order to “ban the box” — a reference to an item on preliminary screening forms — at a news conference at Goodwill Industries outside Richmond.

We Do Love Our Children

So much.

The New Default Position

Supporting Social Security expansion is both smart politics and necessary policy. All the contenders need to get on board.

Early Morning

Monday, April 06, 2015


This is the place for your lukewarm takes.

Vote Chuy

Rahm will make good on fucking everything up entirely if he wins.

America's worst humans do manage to succeed so well, with high profile mentors. It is depressing.

Monday Evening

Truly we are in the golden age of Urban Hellhole local sports franchises.


I don't doubt that this is 99% homophobia, but I also think there's an Authoritah element to this. Teenage "rebellion" pisses of the authoritahs more than anything, because Those Kids Today have their iphone and their hippity hop and their sexy time and I am old and everything is horrible.

Afternoon Thread

A place for all of your Hot Takes.

It's Our City And We Hate It

One dynamic here in the urban hellhole is that one of divides between long term residents and people who are relatively new arrivals is that some long term residents just hate the place and get a bit mad that other people might like it. I am of course not talking about all long term residents, or most, just some. There was a time when "getting out" of Philadelphia was the thing. Your successful peers did it, and you did not. They moved to the glorious western suburbs or South Jersey and left you behind. It was a thing from a particular time, when people came of age during the worst days of the city's decline. It feeds the entrenched belief in various corners of our city government that all "new arrivals" (realize some of these arrivals aren't so new anymore) will inevitably leave. Because that's what one does.

Get Off My Lawn

I get that not all change is good, that people can lament the fact that every other storefront in Manhattan is now a bank or a pharmacy (exaggeration! calm down). But once you start getting enraged that The Kids Today just aren't keeping it real like The Kids Yesterday, you're just getting old. Yeah it sucks that styles change and you went from having your finger on the pulse to not, but, hey, things change. Pretty sure some Real New Yorkers, transplants or not, are doing some pretty cool music and art and theater and hopefully managing to survive despite the absurd rents that The Kids Yesterday did not have to pay. And, yeah, pretty sure The Kids Yesterday, especially the arty bohemian crowd, had a wee bit of narcissism because arty bohemian kids tend to be a bit narcissistic. be clear, the writer in the linked post isn't being enraged at The Kids Today, he's discussing somebody else who is.

I Suppose That's A Problem

This is one of those things I just don't have any good sense of. A lot of people say, essentially, that you just have to curtail agricultural water use and all will be well. Probably mostly true! But all they're doing is attempting to modestly curtail residential water use, so...
In some places, water tables have dropped 50 feet or more in just a few years. With less underground water to buoy it, the land surface is sinking as much as a foot a year in spots, causing roads to buckle and bridges to crack. Shallow wells have run dry, depriving several poor communities of water.

Scientists say some of the underground water-storing formations so critical to California’s future — typically, saturated layers of sand or clay — are being permanently damaged by the excess pumping, and will never again store as much water as farmers are pulling out.


Saint Reagan truly was a wizard.

Some of this recycled hooey gets in the brains of conservatives and they don't realize it's hooey. Will's been around awhile. He knows.

Morning Thread

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Sunday Later Night

Was well enough to leave the house today, so that was a bonus.

Which grifter is going to decide to "run for president" this week?

Sunday Evening

Get your Sunday on.

Sacrifice Is For The Poors

As it should be.
There are few signs of California’s epic drought along a stretch of Maple Drive in Beverly Hills.

Deep green front lawns stretch out, dotted with healthy trees and sculpted foliage. The only brown lawn in sight was at a home under construction.

Lunch Thread


Nobody Could Have Predicted

"Missile defense" was always the least likely to work dumb idea.

Why we can't have nice things.

Also, too:
The project not only wasted taxpayer money but left a hole in the nation’s defenses. The money spent on it could have gone toward land-based radars with a greater capability to track long-range missiles, according to experts who have studied the issue.

I'm sure we'll find the money for that, too. No worries.

Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit

All of these DA's should go to jail.

Morning Thread

The Easter Bunny failed to leave me any chocolate.