Saturday, April 25, 2015


Earthquakes are assholes.

The number of dead always gets the headline, but the number of seriously injured and displaced is going to be way more. ugh.

It's Happy Hour

The deli people at the Amish farmer's market make the most delicious chicken pot pies ever. No way I could make one as good.  I could probably do it more cheaply, but $5.95 isn't  prohibitively expensive.


Lunch Thread

Busy with stuff.


Broadcast news is just Broadcast News.

Morning Thread

Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday Night Cat Thread

Because human politics can be boring


Maybe he needs a few weeks off.

Pretty sure all the "militants" really don't have a good plan to come to the US and blow us up.

Afternoon Thread

Suddenly I realize it's Friday!!!!!!

Opera night here in the hellhole.

100% Diet Of Rendered Bacon Fat

One of the worst traits of political reporters is to think their contempt for flyover country means they understand it, instead of just meaning that they hate the great unwashed they perpetually pretend they're giving voice to.

It's like when Candy Crowley flipped her shit because John Kerry, prostate cancer sufferer, dared to try to order Green Tea. If you live in Real America you know that every supermarket sells a variety of types of tea, and that either restaurants have or don't have a basket of random tea options. Either they do or they don't. People in kabumfuck Iowa might have actually experienced something other than deep fried Twinkies with a side of Coke in their lives, and it's journalists who are being elitist assholes for assuming otherwise, not the politicians who don't.

edited for clarity

Mean Testing Doesn't Get You Anywhere

Opening the door to means testing social security, a program which is already, in its own way, means tested, is really dumb in part because it doesn't actually "save" any money unless you apply it to people who really don't have much other post-retirement income. The point is that most people don't have much post-retirement income, so if you go after enough of them to actually claw some money back you're going to be going after a lot of people who aren't by any measure "rich."

Want to go after wealthy social security recipients? Increase the tax on unearned income.

Nope, Not Going To Click This One

You can't make me do it, internet.

Morning Thread

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday Night

As promised!!!!

Happy Hour Thread


Let's Throw A Reception For That Guy

Because he's obviously awesome?

During the gathering, according to two attendees, Mr. Cruz said he would have no problem if one of his daughters was gay. He did not mention his opposition to same-sex marriage, saying only that marriage is an issue that should be left to the states.

The dinner and “fireside chat” for about a dozen people with Mr. Cruz and his wife, Heidi, was at the Central Park South penthouse of Mati Weiderpass and Ian Reisner, longtime business partners who were once a couple and who have been pioneers in the gay hospitality industry.

“Ted Cruz said, ‘If one of my daughters was gay, I would love them just as much,’” recalled Mr. Reisner, a same-sex marriage proponent who described himself as simply an attendee at Mr. Weiderpass’s event.

Probably already nominated for HRC's human of the year award, or whatever.

Spring Fundraising Funstravaganza Day The Last!

Thanks again to all of the generous people, and to everyone who comes back here regularly regardless. Hopefully we have a bit of fun and occasionally change the world just a little tiny bit.

One last chance!!

Also, too, never forget.

The Human Centipede

I think like many people I am quite happy for journalists to go digging for actual scandals surrounding Hillary and Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation if they actually exist. But not with the "Clinton rules" where there's wet kindling there's fire rules.

Happy Bikeshare Day

Going live today, apparently. We'll see if they get it right (price points, locations, etc.). As I've written before, I'm a coward so I'm not likely to ride it north into Center City (I live in South Philly), but curious if it'll be useful for at least some east-west or southern trips. Will probably need a few more stations around for it to be useful for me for that purpose, but of course it isn't all about me!

Equal Treatment Under The Law

I keed.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — David H. Petraeus, the highest-profile general from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, will most likely be sentenced to probation here on Thursday in a leak investigation that embarrassed him and created bitter disputes inside the Justice Department about whether he was receiving too much leniency from Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.

Holding Firm

Bobby's not gonna let the gays ram gay marriage down his throat.

Morning Thread

I think I'll avoid the news today.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wednesday Night

My local sports franchise is not playing sportsball very well.

Happy Hour Thread

Be happy!

You Win, Clickhole

I salute you.

Spring Fundraising Funstravaganza Day 6!!!!!!!!!!!

Serious thanks to all who have contributed. I'm bad about expressing gratitude, not because I don't feel it, but because I generally don't think I deserve whatever kudos (compliments, donations, etc.) I've received. Behind this asshole on the internet is just an insecure weirdo. But, really, thanks!

Final day is tomorrow. I think we might need one more Gwar video!!!

Happy Charles Krauthammer Day

I forget, does the commemoration involve lighting a puppy or a kitten on fire?

The Carson Raiders

I'm sure this will all go well with no cost to taxpayers.
Carson officials acknowledge that much of the deal with the developers will be negotiated in the coming months. Tuesday's vote is but one step.

The 26-page initiative petition pledged that no tax dollars would be used, but contained few specifics about the stadium. Goldman Sachs will lead the investment project, with personal seat licenses projected to account for about half of the cost.

A city-funded report released over the weekend repeatedly referenced the lack of detail: "As of the date of completion of this Report, no official project design documents have been provided by the Stadium Developer." That report also raised concerns about construction noise and finding another 16,000 off-site parking spots.

Smoking Bans

Smoking's been banned in almost all bars for several years now here in the urban hellhole. I'd guess most bar owners and smokers were against it before it happened, and that most (even the smokers!) appreciate the policy now. It's nice to be able to go out without worrying about your dry cleaning bill. And I think letting a few smoking bars remain was smart policy. There are still places where people who really want to drink and smoke can go.

Wakey, Wakey

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Rock on.

Elections Matter

Asset tests basically tell the poors "fuck you, you're a poor for life."
Pennsylvania will eliminate the asset test for food stamps as of Monday, a spokeswoman for the Department of Human Services announced Thursday evening.

The move reverses a controversial initiative of former Gov. Tom Corbett, who saw the test as a way to cut down on fraud and waste.

Tuesday Evening

Lack of hot takes is in part due to the neverending joys of homeownership.

Talk amongst yourselves!

Spring Fundraising Funstravaganza Day The Fifth

Excuse the sucky blogging today. I am working really really hard at coming up with hot takes, but coming up empty.

I'm sure if you give me all your moneyz it'll power me up, Mario style.

Are They Just Trolling Us?

IIRC, the original "keep the government out of my Medicare" story from the early 90s was always thought to be apocryphal. At least, a tale told with no supporting evidence. But then it became a thing. And, I just don't...

Lunch Thread

I got nothin' for some reason.

That Won't Help

People keep saying water will be there for residential, it's just the farmers who will have to stop using it, but...
In a ruling with major implications for California's water conservation campaign, a state appeals court on Monday ruled that a tiered water rate structure used by the city of San Juan Capistrano to encourage conservation was unconstitutional.

The Orange County city used a rate structure that charged customers who used small amounts of water a lower rate than customers who used larger amounts.

Morning Thread

Quite a thunder storm we had overnight.


Rock on.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday Night

Good thing tomorrow is Friday!

Explanatory thread

“Thus did a handful of rapacious citizens come to control all that was worth controlling in America. Thus was the savage and stupid and entirely inappropriate and unnecessary and humorless American class system created. Honest, industrious, peaceful citizens were classed as bloodsuckers, if they asked to be paid a living wage. And they saw that praise was reserved henceforth for those who devised means of getting paid enormously for committing crimes against which no laws had been passed. Thus the American dream turned belly up, turned green, bobbed to the scummy surface of cupidity unlimited, filled with gas, went bang in the noonday sun.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, 1965

Spring Fundraising Funstravaganza Day 4

Whether you're here for the community or because occasionally my flapping butterfly wings have an impact, consider a wee contribution.

Human Centipede

Perhaps the "puke funnel" metaphor isn't quite extreme enough.

Who Loves Cars?

Sure, some people do, but the whole "America's love affair with cars" stuff is so stupid. In most places we've removed all other travel options, and even in the hellholes where driving isn't necessary it is a constant battle to stop the auto-centric transportation policies and development.

Cars are useful things! But just because they're necessary for most people doesn't mean they're loved.

Can't Or Won't

I haven't known a lot of people in this situation, but do know one person for whom getting court ordered child support from someone who had the means to pay was like pulling teeth. But there's a difference between someone who is being a jerk, and someone who is just poor.
The warrant, the threat of another stay behind bars and the potential loss of yet another job caused him to run, a brother, Rodney Scott, said.

“Every job he has had, he has gotten fired from because he went to jail because he was locked up for child support,” said Mr. Scott, whose brother was working as a forklift operator when he died. “He got to the point where he felt like it defeated the purpose.”

Morning Thread

It's here.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Rock on.

Sunday Night

I wonder what day tomorrow is?

American's Worst Humans

Maureen Dowd.


Was a bit busy so I kinda forget about day two yesterday. People have been more than a little generous, to say the least, so thankyouverymuch.

As I always say, this isn't charity. This isn't a substitute for any dogooder giving you might be considering. If I "needed" money I'd say so. If I had to, say, host a bake sale, which is how Real Americans pay for lifesaving medical treatment [/mordant humor], I'd say that. But if you spend some time here and want to skip a latte or two and contribute, it would be greatly appreciated. If not, that's fine too! If you're strapped for cash, please don't and don't feel bad about it! (Don't feel bad if you aren't strapped for cash either! It's just that over the years I've received some "guilty" emails from people saying they couldn't afford to and that always bums me out because really you shouldn't feel bad.)

The Best Idea I've Heard In Years

Perhaps the only way to make people understand it is to turn it into a farce. Digby:
I always thought Imperial Life in the Emerald City should actually be turned into a musical comedy in order to get the true feel for the outrageousness of the whole thing

Between each scene, "Tom Friedman" can sing, in countertenor, "ANOTHER SIX MONTHS!"

Private Buses

Good piece by Susie Cagle.

Wanker of the Day

Ruth Marcus.

Everybody Gets Rich

I think the NRA runs our foreign policy, too. Just arm everybody and everything will be ok!
WASHINGTON — To wage war in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is using F-15 fighter jets bought from Boeing. Pilots from the United Arab Emirates are flying Lockheed Martin’s F-16 to bomb both Yemen and Syria. Soon, the Emirates are expected to complete a deal with General Atomics for a fleet of Predator drones to run spying missions in their neighborhood.

As the Middle East descends into proxy wars, sectarian conflicts and battles against terrorist networks, countries in the region that have stockpiled American military hardware are now actually using it and wanting more. The result is a boom for American defense contractors looking for foreign business in an era of shrinking Pentagon budgets — but also the prospect of a dangerous new arms race in a region where the map of alliances has been sharply redrawn.

Pity the defense contractors.


Morning Thread

A Geyser of Money Worthy of Old Faithful, Digby. Amazing how much money these guys will spend to try and elect someone who will help them avoid a pittance in taxes. Tens of millions of dollars from just a handful of sources. No wonder my voice doesn't get heard, $25.00 is about the largest contribution I ever make.


Dance party!!!